Saturday, April 25, 2009

What have we been doing that has been oh so much more important than keeping up with this blog? Um, yea. LOTS! First and foremost... spending 6 weeks in the hospital, half in critical care and the other half in the rehab unit. Jon Ross got Guillain Barre Syndrome and scared us to our wits end. It was a very trying experience but we made it through by the help of many many prayers from all over the continent!! We are so grateful.

We finally started getting back on track at home and our well died. No money to fix that other than resorting to credit cards and paying on it forever. Along with the rest of it all. Depressing. Anyway, we have water again... another $4500 later. Robbery.

Today is opening day at the ball park. Spring is HERE!! It makes a FULL Saturday, for sure. Rhiannon and I are the spectators, just rooting everyone on and soaking up the sun! Hope it is a safe and fun season for all.