Friday, September 04, 2009

We are back into the groove of things with school. Still chaotic but a routine of chaos! HA!

We've got a long weekend ahead and I am sooo looking forward to resting & trying to clear up some of the clutter around the house. We've got to catch up with laundry and I really need to do some freezer cooking to build up some more meals for during the week. I'm worn out by the time we all get home & some days I just don't want to cook!! Figuring out what to fix is the biggest chore!!

We're also celebrating A's 9th birthday this weekend! NINE! Nine. Years. Old. ...... WOW! Just doesn't seem possible! She is so cute & sassy! She got new glasses this week & loves them! I got glasses when I was at the end of my 1st grade year and HATED them. I'm glad she has the super SPUNK that I did not as a kid. Love that girly!