Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!! We usually do a cookout with family but it started raining before we even got up and it has been kind of an indoor lazy day. I've got the Jon & Kate + 8 Marathon going. I used to watch it all of the time but with the craziness of the last many months around here, I got way behind. I am kinda getting caught back up now due to the marathon on TLC. I'm building up to watch the new one tonight... their controversy lately is odd to me... I've not seen it all and want to try and make a personal judegment as the one I get from TV talk shows, etc. are pretty negative. I don't really know what is going on other than supposedly Jon cheated??? Seriously?! I just watched the wedding vow renewal last night in Hawaii... geesh!!

What are YOU up to today? I hope whatever it is, you are as grateful for our FREEDOM as I am and that you appreciate the work & effort of those in the military who serve our country (& that of their families!!!). Huge Hugs to you! You are truly appreciated.

Happy Memorial Day!

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