Sometimes I just don't know where my day disappears to! Next week, I know where it will go and that I won't get anything done at home. Errr! Oh well. It is a MUST! I am down to the dustbunnies of my bank account and the money tree we planted in the back yard just won't sprout! LOL!

So, I sorted and tried to get a handle on my coupons today in between dropping off / picking up T. I think I was trying to get brave enough to go into Indy to KMart. They don't take Internet printed coupons though I do have a fair amount. It would just take some time since I am unfamiliar with the store and what they carry. I found a blog that lines things up but should check it out further before I decide to go and spend 2+ hours.
Rambling... it is past midnight so I better get to bed! R has slept all night the past two nights!! Crossing fingers for many many more... especially next week when I head back to work!!!!!!